Now is your chance to nominate an exceptional Inuk woman!

Tell us about an Inuk woman you know who is

Inspiring, Strong, Courageous, Selfless, Creative, Talented, Generous, Resourceful, or Successful

Tell us about her so we can recognize her for her contributions to your community. We want to know about a woman in your community who takes care of others or is a leader. Or an Elder who teaches, a young woman who faces challenges but keeps moving forward, or someone who has achieved something important to them or their family. They can live in Inuit Nunangat or in the south, and they must be Inuit.

How to nominate

It’s easy! Fill in the form available using the link below, in English or Inuktitut, and get it to us by noon EST on January 9, 2019. Then, email it to or send it by fax to 613-238-1787.

The nominees will be reviewed by the Pauktuutit Board of Directors and the winner will be notified, receive a special gift and be highlighted in our next annual report.